・[Python] statsmodelsのLogistic RegressionでOdds Ratioを求める
この記事では,pythonのmoduleの一つであるstatsmodelsを用いたLogistic Regressionを行い,かつ,Odds Ratioを計算する方法を紹介する.また,Logistic Regressionまでのデータクリーニングを簡潔に行えるコードの紹介が目的である.
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import pandas as pd import numpy as np from collections import Counter import copy import statsmodels.api as sm # custom functions import myRegression as mR
サンプルデータはstatsmodelsの中に存在するthe American National Election Studies of 1996のデータを用いる.データの詳細に関してはリンクに飛ぶと確認することが出来る.
anes96 = sm.datasets.anes96.load_pandas().data # insert missing values np.random.seed(130) rnd1 = np.random.choice(anes96.index,50,replace=False) rnd2 = np.random.choice(anes96.index,50,replace=False) anes96.loc[rnd1,"age"] = np.nan anes96.loc[rnd2,"educ"] = np.nan
myReg = mR.myRegClass(anes96) print(myReg.df.shape) myReg.getValTypes(pri=True)



データエンジニアニングとLogist regression
the American National Election Studies of 1996のデータエンジニアニングを行う.ここでは,myRegression.pyの中で準備した機能を使うようにした.
myReg = mR.myRegClass(anes96) myReg.getValTypes(pri=False) # for continuous variables. # set the dummy categorical names. key = "TVnews" bins = [0,3,6,8] cateNames = ["seldom","moderate","frequent"] myReg.cont2Cate(key=key,bins=bins,dummyN=cateNames,nPreKey=3) # "eq" option specifies which place we insert equal symbol. key = "income" bins = [0,8,16,24] myReg.cont2Cate(key=key,bins=bins,dummyN=cateNames,eq="right") # include missing values key = "age" bins = [19,40,60,80,100] myReg.cont2Cate(key,bins) key = "logpopul" bins = [-2.5,0.09,3.09,4.70,9] cateNames = ["high_sparse","low_sparse","low_crowded","high_crowded"] myReg.cont2Cate(key,bins,dummyN=cateNames) # for categorical variables. key = "PID" cateNames = ["Strong Democrat","Weak Democrat","Independent-Democrat" ,"Independent-Indpendent", "Independent-Republican" ,"Weak Republican", "Strong Republican"] myReg.getDummyVar(key = key, cateN=cateNames) # sum up several categories into one. key = "selfLR" cateNames = ["Extremely liberal","Liberal","Liberal" , "Moderate", "Conservative","Conservative","Extremely Conservative"] myReg.getDummyVar(key = key, cateN=cateNames,nPreKey=4) # includes missing values. key = "educ" cateNames = ["1-8 grades","Some high school", "High school graduate" ,"college", "College degree", "Master's degree", "PhD"] myReg.getDummyVar(key = key, cateN=cateNames)
# check np.nan after replacing the name myReg.checkNan(myReg.cateNameSum.keys()) display(myReg.df.head().T)
最後に,結果変数の選択とOdds Ratioを計算する際のベースラインを指定する辞書を用意して回すと,statsmodelsの推定結果とOdds Ratioを計算した結果が出力される.ベースラインの変数を指定しないと,説明変数を用意する際に使った一番最初の要素がベースラインとして使われる.
resVar = "vote" offsetDic = {"age_c":"age_40<=_<60"} myReg.logisticOdds(resVar,offsetDic = offsetDic)

z = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_1 + \beta_2 x_2 \
p(X|\beta) = \frac{1}{1 + exp(-z)}
\frac{ p(X|\beta)}{1 -p(X|\beta)} = exp(z)
ここでx1が男性,x2が女性を表すダミー変数として,X1 = (x1,x2) = (1,0), X2 = (x1,x2) = (0,1) だとする.この時,Odds Ratioは,
Odds Ratio = \frac{ p(X_1|\beta)}{1 -p(X_1|\beta)} /\frac{ p(X_2|\beta)}{1 -p(X_2|\beta)} = exp(\beta_1 - \beta_2)
ここで問題になるのは,回帰係数を1にする項をstatsmodelsのLogistic regressionの中にどう取り込むかであるが,それはoffset項として渡せば良い.offset項は線形予測子の中で係数がつかない項を指す.
以下が,"myRegression.py"の"logisticOdds"の一部で,logistic regressionをoffset項ありで行う箇所である.まずコードの上の部分でoffset項として取り扱う変数名と説明変数として取り扱う変数名を分けて保存する.
Odds Ratioに関しては推定したパラメーターを利用して上記の式に基づいて計算することが可能である.
# set offset variables cateNameSum= copy.deepcopy(self.cateNameSum) for k,v in cateNameSum.items(): if k in offsetDic.keys(): offsetVars.append(offsetDic[k]) v.remove(offsetDic[k]) expVars += v else: offsetVars.append(v.pop(0)) expVars += v offset = dfAna[offsetVars].sum(axis=1) # logistic regression mod = sm.GLM(dfAna[resVar], dfAna[expVars], offset=offset, family=sm.families.Binomial()) res = mod.fit()
これでLogistic Regressionのためのデータエンジニアリング,そして推定までのプロセスがシンプルに書けるようになった.
#!usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import copy from collections import Counter import statsmodels.api as sm def getUnique(lis_): '''get the unique values and the order of given "lis_" is kept. Args: lis_ (list) : for getting unique. Return: list : unique list keeping the order. ''' uni_ = [] while len(lis_): l = lis_.pop(0) uni_.append(l) while l in lis_: lis_.remove(l) return(uni_) class myRegClass(): def __init__(self,df): self.dfOri = df self.df = df self.cateNameSum = {} self.odds = {} def checkNan(self,keys=None): '''check Nan value patterns. Args: keys (list) : check the nan pattern for this variables. if not given, check the all the kyes in "self.df". self.df : dataframe of analysis data. Print: nan pattern. ''' if keys == None: df_ = self.df.copy() else: keys = list(keys) df_ = self.df[keys].copy() c = Counter() names = [str(s) for s in df_.columns.values] names = "(%s)" % ", ".join(names) print(names) for i in df_.index: c[tuple(df_.loc[i,:].isnull().replace({False:0,True:1}) ) ] +=1 for k,v in c.items(): print(k,v) def getValTypes(self, NCriteria= 20, pri = False): '''get types of variables, categorical or continuous. types are judged by just number of kinds of data. Args: NCriteria (int) : more than this value is regarded as continuous. pri (bool) : if True, print the types and values of each variable. self.df : dataframe of analysis data. Sets: self.valTypes (dic) : contains type, and if data is categorical, possible values are included. (data are sorted) ''' df_ = self.df.copy() dic = {} for k in df_.keys(): uniq = df_[k].unique() n = len(uniq) dic[k] = {} if n > NCriteria: dic[k]["type"] = "cont" if pri: print("####### %s , continuous ###########" %k) display(df_[k].describe().to_frame().T) else: vals = df_[k].unique() vals.sort() dic[k]["type"] = "cate" dic[k]["val"] = vals if pri: print("####### %s , categorical ###########" %k) cnts = df_[k].value_counts(dropna=False) display(cnts[vals].to_frame().T) # Sets self.valTypes = dic def cont2Cate(self,key,bins,eq = "left",keyC=None,dummyN=None,nPreKey=10): '''continuous variables are converted into categorical variables. dataframe are added with dummy variables for each categorical variable. Args: key (str) : target variable. bins (list) : list of borderlines. eq (str) : "right" or "left" , decide "equal" is included right or left. keyC (str) : new categorical name. if not given, key + "_c" is applied. dummyN (list) : new categorical names for dummy variables. nPreKey (int) : number of characters from target variable for prefixes of dummy variables. self.df : dataframe of analysis data, which are edited after this func. Sets: self.df : new categorical and dummy variables are added to columns. self.cateNameSum (dic) : one category name and multiple names for dummy variables are given. ''' nBins = len(bins) if keyC == None: keyC = "%s_c" %key df_ = self.df conds = [] cateN = [] for i in range(nBins - 1): if eq == "left": cond = (bins[i] <= df_[key] ) & ( df_[key] < bins[i+1]) name = "%s_%s<=_<%s" % (key[:nPreKey],str(bins[i]),str(bins[i+1])) elif eq == "right": cond = (bins[i] < df_[key] ) & ( df_[key] <= bins[i+1]) name = "%s_%s<_<=%s" % (key[:nPreKey],str(bins[i]),str(bins[i+1])) else: raise Exception("'eq' takes 'left' or 'right'") conds.append(cond) cateN.append(name) if type(dummyN) != type(None): cateN = [ "%s_%s" % (key[:nPreKey], s) for s in dummyN] # add missing category name condNon = df_[key].isnull() if condNon.sum() > 0: name = "%s_miss" % (key[:nPreKey]) conds.append(condNon) cateN.append(name) for cond, name in zip(conds, cateN): df_.loc[cond,keyC] = name dfDummy = pd.get_dummies(df_[keyC]) df_ = pd.concat((df_,dfDummy),axis = 1 ) # Sets self.df = df_ self.cateNameSum[keyC] = getUnique(cateN) def getDummyVar(self,key,cateN, repV=None,keyC=None, nPreKey =10): '''categorical variables are converted into dummy variables. dataframe are added with dummy variables for each categorical variable. Args: key (str) : target variable. cateN (list) : list of categorical names for each value within the target variable.. repV (list) : list of replaced value for each "cateN". same index of "cateN" and "repV" are replaced. if not given, values of "valTypes" are used. keyC (str) : new categorical name. if not given, key + "_c" is applied. nPreKey (int) : number of characters from target variable for prefixes of dummy variables. self.df : dataframe of analysis data, which are edited after this func. self.valTypes (dic) : types (and values) of each variable are contained. Sets: self.df : new categorical and dummy variables are added to columns. self.cateNameSum (dic) : one category name and multiple names for dummy variables are given. ''' if keyC == None: keyC = "%s_c" %key if repV == None: repV = self.valTypes[key]["val"] df_ = self.df newCateN = [] repDic = {} for k,v in zip(repV, cateN): name = "%s_%s" % ( key[:nPreKey], v) newCateN.append(name) repDic[k] = name # add missing category name condNon = df_[key].isnull() if condNon.sum() > 0: name = "%s_miss" % (key[:nPreKey]) newCateN.append(name) repDic[np.nan] = name df_[keyC] = df_[key].replace(repDic) dfDummy = pd.get_dummies(df_[keyC]) df_ = pd.concat((df_,dfDummy),axis = 1 ) # Sets self.df = df_ self.cateNameSum[keyC] = getUnique(newCateN) def logisticOdds(self,resVar,offsetDic = {},const=True,pri=True): '''logistic regression for calculating odds ratio is done. Args: resVar (str): result variable. Takes only 0 or 1. offsetDic (dic) : determines which variable is used for baseline. if not, the first category of dummy varibales is used for baseline. const (bool): add const term or not. pri (bool) : print result or not. self.df : dataframe which is already added with dummy variables. self.cateNameSum (dic): category and dummy variables for that category. Sets: self.res : result of logistic regression self.expVars : explanatory variables that are used in the analysis self.offsetVars : explanatory variables that are used for offsets. self.odds : result of odds ratios is contained here. ''' dfAna = self.df.copy() expVars = [] offsetVars = [] if const: dfAna["const"] = 1 expVars.append("const") # set offset variables cateNameSum= copy.deepcopy(self.cateNameSum) for k,v in cateNameSum.items(): if k in offsetDic.keys(): offsetVars.append(offsetDic[k]) v.remove(offsetDic[k]) expVars += v else: offsetVars.append(v.pop(0)) expVars += v offset = dfAna[offsetVars].sum(axis=1) # logistic regression mod = sm.GLM(dfAna[resVar], dfAna[expVars], offset=offset, family=sm.families.Binomial()) res = mod.fit() # Sets self.res = res self.expVars = expVars self.offsetVars = offsetVars if pri: print(res.summary()) print("n#######################") print("##### Odds Ratios #####") print("#######################") for k in self.cateNameSum: self.calcOdds(k,pri=pri) def calcOdds(self,key,pri=True): '''calculate odds ratio using the output of logistic regression ("res") Args: key (str): target variable. pri (bool): print results of not. ''' self.odds[key] = {} res = self.res cateNSum = copy.deepcopy(self.cateNameSum) cateNames = cateNSum[key] for v in self.offsetVars: if v in cateNames: cateNames.remove(v) base = v break print("n%s" % key) for name in cateNames: OR = np.exp(res.params[name] - 1) cL = np.exp(res.conf_int().loc[ name,0] -1 ) cH = np.exp(res.conf_int().loc[ name,1] - 1) compName = "%s / %s" % (name, base) self.odds[key][compName] = {} self.odds[key][compName]["OR"] = OR self.odds[key][compName]["OR_l"] = cL self.odds[key][compName]["OR_h"] = cH if pri: sig = "" if cL > 1.0 or cH < 1.0: sig = "*" print("%s : %2.2f%s (%2.2f, %2.2f )" %(compName, OR,sig,cL,cH) )
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